Graphic Media Alliance

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Leadership Conference Fun!

On the first night of our conference, Sunday, September 15th, we will be hosting our annual Casino Night. Grab a drink and join us for an evening of entertainment and catching up with friends in the industry! You could win some fabulous prizes by playing games of chance.

Casino Night

Registration is not required for Casino Night.

Don't forget about golf!  We'll be at the NorthStar Golf Club this year by popular demand.

Are you the longest driver in the industry? Do you hit the ball over 300 yards? Or, do you believe in the old saying, “Drive for show and putt for dough?”

Either way, there are great prizes for both and even more if you get closest to the pin. You could even win $10,000 for a hole-in-one!

You will also get to play golf with your best industry friends and there is even more fun to find at our 14th Annual Golf outing coming up on Tuesday, September 17th at NorthStar Golf Club.

Need more enticement?  

Seeing last year's winning foursomes should encourage you...

First Place Team:

First Golf

Second Place Team:

Second Golf

Third Place Team:

Third Golf

Was that encouragement enough?  We hope to see you at the tournament!

Plan now to join us at the conference and take advantage of these completely business-related, networking (and fun) events!

LC 2019

Conference: September 15-16, Quest Business Center, Columbus (Polaris)

Casino Night: Sunday, September 15th, 6:15 pm

Grand Ceremony: Monday, September 16th, 6:00 pm

Golf Tournament: September 17th, NorthStar Golf Club, Sunbury

We strive to keep our conference relevant to the industry and directly impactful to Association members. Based on feedback we have received, this year we are bringing presenters and topics that will provide members with insight on the Industrial Internet of Things, the state of the industry, a Millennial perspective, design WOW, legislative updates and more. Featured speakers will include Andrew Paparozzi with SGIA, Trish Witkowski from Foldfactory, and returning after great feedback for a second year, Deborah Corn with Print Media Centr. Plan now to join us at the conference and take advantage of these completely business-related, networking (and fun) events! 

>> CLICK HERE! << to Register Online!

Read more about the 2019 Leadership Conference and find hotel information.

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