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Printing Industry Performance Insights
Source: Ralph Williams, Jones College of Business, MTSU, October 10, 2023
With many baby boomers retiring, the supply of employees is not meeting the current demand. That makes recruiting employees critical today, yet recruiting is challenging in most industries, including ours. This competition for new employees will impact firms in the foreseeable future. In our next study, we aim to explore this question: “What are effective ways for printing companies to brand their firm as a good place to work?” We hope to provide printing company leaders with actionable knowledge to help them fill their workforce gaps.
This study explores the industry outlook, which is essential in our industry’s dynamic environment and may help frame your thinking for the path ahead. This study also explores effective ways to brand your company as a good place to work, and that topic is very relevant to the hiring challenges many firms face.
Many members from across the APAN companies have shared that past surveys prompted them to consider options they had not considered before. From taking this survey, you may learn more about effective employer branding!
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. If you open the survey on your computer instead of your phone, you will move through the survey much faster.
You have the option to enter your name in the survey. If you do that, you will not receive more direct emails or calls from associations about taking the survey. If you enter your name, we will keep your data private.
Please help us build actionable knowledge for printing company leaders!
The survey will close on Friday, October 27.
View the February 2023 Printing Industry Performance Insights Study Results
From the financial data we pulled from the March 2023 PIPI survey, you may discover areas in your firm that need more or less resources applied. This reflects one strategic benefit of financial benchmarking and ratio analysis. Strategic planning includes deciding in what areas we need to invest more and in what areas we need to invest less; this is planning as opposed to reactive resource allocation – planning how much we need to spend where. With our benchmarks and ratios, we provide actionable thoughts you might consider.
This report contains four sections:
- Income statement and cost categories as a percentage of revenue
- Balance sheets and related ratios
- Cash management indicators
- Summary with some key takeaways
The report includes income statements and cost categories as a percentage of revenue, balance sheets and related ratios, and cash management indicators. We had enough surveys to generate numbers for high performers and a few industry segments. In addition to the financial numbers, we provide actionable thoughts for you and your management team.