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Graphic Media Alliance Presents the 28th Annual APCD and PCC Golf Outing
Teeing Off for 28 Years!
Graphic Media Alliance is proud to be the title sponsor for the 28th Annual Detroit Postal Customer Council & Detroit Advertising Production Club Golf Outing taking place on Monday, August 7, 2023 at Links of Novi.
Registration will begin at 9:30 am with a modified shot-gun start at 10:00 am. The format will be a scramble play. Lunch at the turn will be provided, and the event will conclude with a buffet steak dinner and door prizes.
We invite all of our Michigan members to join Association President, Andrew Schall and Business Development Director, Karen Robinson for a day of golf, networking, and of course, fun!
Golfers are $145 each. You can build your own foursome or be placed on a team.
Hole sponsorships are available for $125 per sign, and you can sponsor a sign at 1 or 2 holes.