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Emerge Leadership Forum - Opening Session

The Emerge Leadership Forum will consist of a series of panel discussions and presentations offering industry insight into a decision many of our members are facing.  Will they continue to be Print Service Providers or will they proceed down the path towards being Marketing Service Provider.  In addition, we'll have several themed discussions that are sure to be interesting and helpful.

Jim Kyger, the Assistant Vice President of Human Relations for Printing Industries of America, will be opening the forum with an HR Roundtable discussion on topics including:

Jim welcomes your questions.  Feel free to submit them ahead of time to the Association office or just bring them with you.  It's a great opportunity to consult the expert.

Jim's primary responsibilities at PIA include responding to member inquiries on human and industrial relations, compensation, and benefits issues. Jim oversees the publication development in the human and industrial relations fields, the association’s union contract database, the Best Workplace in the Americas program, and the Employee Recognition Program. He also provides liaison to the Labor Policy Committee. In April 2008 Jim became a management trustee on the Graphic Communications Conference/International Brotherhood of Teamsters National Pension Fund (GCC/IBT-NPF, formerly the GCC/IBT SRDF)

2014 Conference Registration Brochure

See the full flyer here.

The conference brochure and details are now available!


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