Complete Story


Women in Print


Date: May 23, 2024

Time: 3:00 - 3:15 pm

Cost: Free for members

Location: Zoom (Links to be provided closer to class date)

Host: Debbie Nicholson

Over the past 30 years, Debbie’s road less traveled as a woman in print has taught her many things. Still, the one unwavering thing is her devotion to counseling, coaching, and mentorship for women in the printing industry! Join Debbie as she tells her story of how she faced her fears, doubts, and insecurities and many times experienced being the only one in the room to be seen and not heard. Debbie wants you to hear this: “Welcome to Women In Print!”

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Leadership Briefs are quick, powerful leadership programs (10-15 minutes) followed by as much Q+A time as you need. You can stay just for the presentations or take a deeper dive and ask some questions. 

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