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Emphasize Safety with Regular Meetings

Source: Federated Insurance, Risk Management Corner, May 14, 2019

Workplace safety has no end point — only a goal: to reduce the frequency of unsafe practices that threaten employees’ wellbeing and a business’s ability to complete its work. Businesses should emphasize safety as a priority and educate workers on how to avoid workplace accidents. One of the most common and effective methods of accomplishing this objective is the safety meeting, a short, regular gathering of managers and employees that addresses potential hazards on the job.

Timing is important. Hold safety meetings as often as it makes sense, but not so often that you lose your employees’ engagement. Schedule the meetings for a time and place that’s convenient for everyone. Unless an issue needs immediate attention, the first thing in the morning or directly after lunch work well. Employees will likely be gathered in one place and the work day will be least interrupted.

Keep the meetings short. Take enough time to make sure your message is understood. If you give too much information, your employees will lose concentration, and everyone’s time will be wasted. Up to a half-hour is a good length for the main presentation.

Focus your agenda. Don’t try to cover too much in each meeting. Choose a topic that is timely and relevant, and addresses hazardous operating practices. Using real examples helps workers connect the lessons with their own work. Speak as specifically as possible while making sure you don’t call out specific employees. The aim is to raise awareness of hazards, not embarrass your workers. 

Read more about regular safety meetings

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