Complete Story


We're Proud to Partner with CareWorksComp


We partner with CareWorksComp to deliver the most significant cost savings to our members.  CareWorksComp embraces a results-oriented approach that fully integrates safety prevention and risk control with aggressive claims management to deliver a significant return on investment.  The Printing Industries of Ohio • N.Kentucky and CareWorksComp can analyze your business to determine the BEST workers' compensation premium-saving program for you.

As a result of their best-in-class service, CareWorksComp has consistently maintained a 97% retention rate - one of the highest in the industry.  Put their team to work for you.  For a no-cost, no-obligation program analysis, go to  You may also contact CareWorksComp's Cordell Walton, toll-free, at 1-800-837-3200, ext. 52398. 

Read the Group-Rating Safety Accountability notice concerning Printing Industries of Ohio • N.Kentucky offering the group program with CareWorksComp serving as the TPA:  BWC Group-Rating Safety Accountability

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