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Are You OSHA Ready?

From Adrianne Harrison of PIA:

OSHA has deemed the printing industry a high hazard for amputations and combustible dust. This is causing the number of inspections, citations, and penalties in our industry to skyrocket. On average, OSHA inspects at least one to two printing operations per week, and they are finding violations that cost real money. 

On April 6 at 2:00 p.m. EST, Gary Jones, Assistant Vice President from the PIA Environmental, Health, and Safety Department, will provide you the information needed to understand the key OSHA regulations and what steps you will need to take to become compliant. 

Don’t wait until OSHA comes knocking. Be proactive! This webinar is FREE for PIA members and $49 for non-members.

Read more about the webinar or Register now by clicking here.

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