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Paper & Packaging Board Campaign

Paper & Packaging Board Campaign Update

Campaign By The Numbers 

To date, the campaign has garnered 813.1M impressions. From campaign launch to date, 1,931,067 total engagements. (Impression = views. Engagement = actions such as re-tweet, share, like)

Earned media garnered over 1,550 placements in the first two months for 282.9M impressions.

Highlights to date: 
- 8,000+ Facebook followers
- 1.4M+ Facebook video views
- 500+ YouTube subscribers
- 1.56M YouTube video views

- In July, "Getting to #30" video of the campaign commercial on Facebook went viral, with 66% of its views coming from viral users (meaning someone watched it because a friend liked or commented on it, or shared it).

-In August, editorial coverage on American Military News featuring the embedded "Letters to Dad" spot drove 90% of this spot's YouTube views for the month.

-BuzzFeed posts in August resulted in 94K views, performing 50% better than BuzzFeed's average post performance.

View the full article here.

The videos are all on their website:  Click “Load More” at the bottom of the screen to see them all.  Look for these three main videos:  Letters to Dad, Getting to #30, and Fish Out of Water.


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